The purpose of this study is to validate the ability to assess the genetic differences (DNA fingerprinting) on polar bodies (excess genetic material given off from the egg) and cells so that this technique may be used in the future to confirm markers of reproductive competence and improve the efficiency and safety of clinical human in vitro fertilization.
Full description
Our group has recently validated a technique involving whole genomic amplification followed by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) analysis which allows DNA fingerprinting of single cells. Given that there are more than 3.3 billion base pairs that constitute the human genome, there are approximately 3 million sites where routine variation in the genetic code exists. These SNPs have been identified on average to occur approximately once every 1000 base pairs (bp) and are present on all chromosomes.
100 couples will undergo routine in vitro fertilization (IVF) stimulation, the protocol to be determined by the patient's primary doctor. Following oocyte retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), the first polar body will be biopsied using standard laboratory procedures, and sent for genetic analysis. 24 hours later, the second polar body will be biopsied and sent for genetic analysis. Finally, the embryos will be biopsied prior to transfer and the cell will be sent for gentic analysis. Genetic results are not available prior to transfer and there are be no delays in the treatment schedule as a result of the study. Buccal swabs are collected from infants. SNP profiles are created from the polar body and embryo biopsies which are then compared to the SNP profiles created from the buccal swabs.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Major Inclusion: The following are major inclusion criteria:
Exclusions: The following are exclusion criteria:
100 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites