Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
This is a Phase III, international, multicentre, randomised, double-blinded placebo controlled trial, evaluating the efficacy and safety of ADT +/- darolutamide in castration-naïve de novo metastatic prostate cancer patients with vulnerable functional ability who have not elected for docetaxel or other androgen receptor pathway inhibitors.
Full description
This is a Phase III, international, multicentre, randomised, double-blinded placebo controlled trial, evaluating the efficacy and safety of ADT +/- darolutamide in castration-naïve de novo metastatic prostate cancer patients with vulnerable functional ability who have not elected for docetaxel or other androgen receptor pathway inhibitors. The study plans to enroll 300 patients who will be randomized (1:1) to receive either: (i) Experimental arm: ADT + darolutamide 600 mg po bid, or (ii) Control arm: ADT + placebo po bid. Response to treatment will be assessed according to the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Working Group 3 (PCWG3) criteria (Scher, 2016). Treatment will be continued until radiographic disease progression. Treatment may also be terminated at the initiative of either the patient or the investigator for any reason that would be beneficial to the patient, including: unacceptable toxicity, intercurrent conditions that preclude continuation of treatment, or patient request. Following treatment discontinuation patients will enter the follow-up period and will be monitored for up to 10 years with regards to survival status, subsequent antineoplastic treatments and the status of ongoing adverse events (AEs) and/or new investigational product related AEs.
Inclusion criteria
Signed a written informed consent form prior to any trial specific procedures.
Men with histologically or cytologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
Aged ≥18 years old at the time of signing informed consent.
De novo metastatic disease defined by clinical or radiological evidence of metastases.
Note: For patients with nodal metastases only, only patients with extra-pelvic enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes located above the iliac bifurcation) can be included if they have either:
Measurable disease or bone lesions that are evaluable according to PCWG3 criteria.
Ineligible for treatment with all of the following drugs: docetaxel, abiraterone, enzalutamide, apalutamide; AND meets at least one of the following frailty criteria:
Adequate bone marrow function: haemoglobin ≥80 g/L, white blood cells ≥3.0 x10⁹/L and platelets ≥80 x10⁹/L.
Adequate liver function: alanine aminotransferase (ALT) <2 x upper limit of normal (ULN) and bilirubin <1.5 x ULN, (or if bilirubin is between 1.5-2 x ULN, they must have a normal conjugated bilirubin). For patients with documented liver metastasis, ALT <5 x ULN is acceptable.
Adequate renal function: calculated creatinine clearance >30 ml/min (using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD] or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration [CKD EPI) method).
For sexually active men, agreement to use adequate contraception for the duration of trial participation and up to 2 weeks after completing study treatment.
Affiliated to the social security system or in possession of equivalent private health insurance (according to local regulations for participation in clinical trials).
Willing and able to comply with the protocol for the duration of the trial including undergoing treatment and scheduled visits, and examinations including follow-up.
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
300 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Soazig N Ficher; Isabelle Rieger
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites