Prisma Health | Midlands Clinical Research Unit
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate whether using the the IMPELLA® CP System temporary circulatory assist device for 30 minutes prior to a catheterization procedure has the potential to reduce the damage to the heart caused by a heart attack, compared to the current standard of care.
Full description
To demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of primary Left Ventricular unloading and a thirty-minutes delay to reperfusion vs. current standard of care in reducing infarct size and heart failure-related clinical events in patients presenting with anterior ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Patient transferred from an outside hospital where invasive coronary procedure was attempted (including diagnostic catheterization)
Unwitnessed cardiac arrest OR ≥30 minutes of CPR prior to enrollment OR any cardiac arrest with impairment in mental status, cognition, or any global or focal neurological deficit
Administration of fibrinolytic therapy within 24 hours prior to enrollment
Cardiogenic shock defined as: systemic hypotension (systolic BP <90 mmHg or the need for inotropes/pressors to maintain a systolic BP >90mmHg) plus one of the following: any requirement for pressors/inotropes prior to arrival at the catheterization laboratory, clinical evidence of end organ hypoperfusion or use of IABP or any other circulatory support device
Inferior STEMI or suspected right ventricular failure
Any contraindication or inability to place the Impella, including peripheral vascular disease, tortuous vascular anatomy, femoral bruits or absent pedal pulses
Severe aortic stenosis
Acute cardiac mechanical complication: LV free wall rupture OR Interventricular septum rupture OR Acute mitral regurgitation
Suspected or known pregnancy
Suspected systemic active infection
History or known hepatic insufficiency prior to catheterization
On renal replacement therapy
COPD with home oxygen therapy or on chronic steroid therapy
Known or evidence of prior myocardial infarction, including pathologic Q waves in non-anterior leads
History of heart failure (documented history of EF <40% or documented hospitalization for HF within one (1) year prior to screening)
Prior aortic valve surgery or TAVR
Left bundle branch block (new or old)
History of stroke/TIA within the prior 3 months, any history of Intracranial Hemorrhage or any permanent neurological deficit
History of bleeding diathesis or known coagulopathy (including heparin-induced thrombocytopenia), any recent GU or GI bleed, or will refuse blood transfusions
Patient on systemic anticoagulation pre-procedure (including factor Xa inhibitors, thrombin inhibitors, warfarin)
Known contraindication to:
Undergoing MRI or use of gadolinium, [CrCl<30 ml/min, non-compatible implant, claustrophobia]
Heparin, pork, pork products or contrast media
Receiving a drug-eluting stent
Participation in the active treatment or follow-up phase of another clinical study of an investigational drug or device which has not reached its primary endpoint.
Any organ condition, concomitant disease (e.g., psychiatric illness, severe alcoholism, or drug abuse, severe cancer, hepatic or kidney disease), with life expectancy of ≤2 years or other abnormality that itself, or the treatment of which, could interfere with the conduct of the study or that, in the opinion of the Investigator and/or Sponsor's medical monitor, would pose an unacceptable risk to the patient in the study.
Subject has other medical, social, or psychological problems that, in the opinion of the Investigator, compromises the subject's ability to give written informed consent and/or to comply with study procedures, including follow-up CMRs.
Subject belongs to a vulnerable population [Vulnerable patient populations are defined as Individuals with mental disability, persons in nursing homes, children, impoverished persons, homeless persons, nomads, refugees, prisoners, and those permanently incapable of giving informed consent. Vulnerable populations also may include members of a group with a hierarchical structure such as university students, subordinate hospital and laboratory personnel, employees of the Sponsor, and members of the armed forces.
Primary purpose
Interventional model
527 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Deborah Wood, RN; Poornima Sood, MD, MBA
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites