Canadian Phase Onward | Toronto, Canada
Status and phase
The study is designed to assess the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and transformation within the human body of INV-202 investigational drug in the treatment of adult participants with obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Full description
This will be a 2-part study. Part A will be a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose ranging, multicenter study assessing the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and PK of INV-202 for the treatment of adult participants with obesity (BMI 30 kg/m2) and metabolic syndrome.
An informed consent form (ICF) must be signed by the participant before any study-related procedures are performed.
Each participant will be allowed 1 retest during the screening period if they have an abnormal test result not meeting eligibility criteria that is deemed transient by the investigator. Participants who did not meet all eligibility criteria may be re-screened once, with approval of the medical monitor.
Participants will return to the study site at Weeks 4, 8, 12 and 16. At these visits, the same assessment as baseline will be completed.
During Part A, a subset of approximately 20 to 30 participants from an estimated 3 to 4 study sites will have DEXA performed at baseline and Week 16 for exploratory assessments of change in total body fat percentage and skeletal muscle mass. Additional exploratory measures will include lung function with oscillometry. Any participant who withdraws from Part A before completing treatment will be requested to return for an early termination visit, at which time the procedures normally scheduled for the Week 16 visit will be conducted.
Participants completing Part A will be eligible to enroll to the open-label extension (OLE), Part B, if they did not have significant noncompliance with study drug, visits, or procedures, and did not meet any withdrawal criteria. During Part B, the efficacy and safety of INV-202 20 mg daily (pending results of chronic toxicology studies and/or findings from this and other ongoing clinical studies, the alternative dose would be 10 mg) will be further evaluated over an additional 36 weeks, through Week 52.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Significant medical condition, that in the opinion of the investigator, will place the participant at risk during the study or that will confound the study endpoints
Active substance abuse including inhaled, oral, or injection drugs in the past 12 months
Use of cannabis or cannabinoid-containing compounds within 90 days prior to screening
Pregnancy, planned pregnancy, potential for pregnancy, breast feeding, or unwillingness to use highly effective birth control during the study
History of significant liver disease or evidence of moderate to severe hepatic impairment
History of epilepsy or intracranial surgery
Diabetes requiring medication for management (a diagnosis of diabetes that is well controlled with diet and exercise is not exclusionary)
Bariatric surgery, use of a GLP-1 agonists or other weight-loss drug, or significant weight change (> 5 kg or 11 pounds) in the past 3 months
Participants taking any drug that may be used for weight loss (eg, liraglutide, semaglutide, tirzepatide, orlistat sibutramine phenylpropanolamine , mazindol , phentermine alone or in combination with topiramate, lorcaserin , naltrexone in combination with bupropion)
Use of systemic corticosteroids (topical and inhaled corticosteroids are not excluded)
Participants with an active diagnosis or history of a significant psychiatric disorder, including but not limited to the following:
Major depression within the last 2 years
Score on the 9-question Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) of
Current or active malignancy within the past 5 years, except for cancer in situ, or nonmelanoma skin cancer, such as basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma that has been completely resected
A history thyroid disease; the only exception would be a participant who has undergone a complete thyroid ablation/resection
QTc > 500 ms at baseline
Any chronic medications with effects on blood pressure, lipids, or blood glucose started or changed within the past 3 months or at risk of requiring a change during the study
Participants taking a strong inducer or inhibitor of cytochrome P450 3A4, 2D6, or 2C19 by screening; these medications are prohibited during the entire duration of the study
Having taken any investigational compound within 30 days, or 5 half-lives of the drug, whichever is longer, before the screening visit
Previous use of INV-202
Participants that, in the opinion of the investigator, are unsuitable for the study or unlikely to comply with all study procedures and treatment
Primary purpose
Interventional model
243 participants in 4 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Karine Lalonde; Glenn Crater
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites